Extra Credits - Marlene Sáez Mira


The Multilingual Classroom 

Nowadays there are more and more differences in the classrooms of the schools. In sight, we will find students with different religions, cultures and languages spoken. For many people, this will be a bad thing, but in my opinion this fact means wealth. 
Respect to the activities that we can do in a class where are students of different parts of the world could be for example these:

- Investigate about the cultures and religions that are presents in the class, for example (Roma, Hungarian, Czech, Russian, African…).
- Organize different workshops, for example, about "typical music of the different cities of the students",  "typical dishes" or "typical customs" and so on. 
- Make activities in class using a lot of visual resources, props for storytelling and also try to keep language very simple. 
-We can organize activities in which we give to the students another similar student to shadow in their first days of the school.

In that way, we can promote different cultures and use the different backgrounds and experiences of the students to learn and make them feel comfortable.
