Extra Credits - Marlene Sáez Mira

Extra credits - Alba Marín Muñoz

Unit 4 (extra credits)

Computer and videogames 

Super Mario Marker

Super Mario is a popular game for kids. It allows gamers to build and play different levels. Children can transform into different characters and it’s available for players of all ages. With this videogame players can be creative building their own levels and also they can develop other skills such as planning a construction. Finally, kids can’t get bored because they can choose between 4 themes.   

Resultado de imagen de super mario maker

Just dance

In just dance players mimic the motions of an on screen dancer’s choreography. Moreover, in this videogame there are more than forty five songs of different years. It’s available for everyone aged ten and older. Additionally, thanks this game children will develop their social skills because they have the option to challenge friends from all over the globe. Also they can play with their family and have a good time with them. 

Resultado de imagen de just dance
