Extra Credits - Marlene Sáez Mira

Extra Credits - Marlene Sáez Mira


  1. Think about the future classroom. What will it be like? 

In sight, the education will be so different. The classrooms will be organized in an intelligent way, which it is known like "smart classrooms". In these kind of classrooms we will find many amenities to learn. 
The teachers will teach with innovated methodologies. In that way, the students will learn in a dynamic and meaningful way, such us, working by projects, by corners, in collaborate activities and so forth. About the space of the classrooms will be also special. It will inspire reliability and motivation to learn. In addition, the whole classroom will be involved by ICTs, such us,  iPads, tablets, digital boards or augmented reality glasses.  In short, the education of the future will consists in learning by doing in a technological atmosphere, plenty of new resources perspectives.

These pictures are examples of how will be the future classrooms: 
