Extra Credits - Marlene Sáez Mira

Extra Credits - Marlene Sáez Mira


The big lesson from the world´s best school system? Trust your teachers
By John Hart The Guardian - August 2017

The author in this article make a comparation between the education system in Finland (US) and UK.  Hart says that the finnish education is based on the equity and trust; values that not many  countries have. In the schools, they focus on the well-being of the students and the whole members of the educative society. Teachers in Finland are allowed unfettered flexibility in what and how they teach.

On the contrary, in the UK the education is so different, but also the society in general. Child poverty is double that of Finland, on top of the highest wage inequality of any country; however, Finland has the lowest. About the educación, they focus on the outcomes and they evaluate all that the teacher do, by setting some guidelines and not leaving freedom to do their job.

The naysayers argue that demographic differences between Finland and the UK make comparing education policies pointless. But, the equity of the finnish society is not the only factor that has contributed to Finland´s success, but also the look after and the trust in each other. And this is the lesson that the UK has to take away from the Finnish education system. 

This is a short video that explains how is the education in Finland.
