Extra Credits - Marlene Sáez Mira

Monday of grammar!

Hi everyone! We hope you are having a good start to the week😆

Today it is monday and that means that in class we have done a bit of grammar. 

We have learned a lot about future times and  the different conditionals . Thanks to Mariano, and Alba, that have been the teachers today, and the rest of the class, of course, we have made a good notes.

After that, our teacher asked us to draw in our notebook  three characters: a firefighter, a surgeon and an air force pilot. This was an experiment about how many people drew a women or a men. 
When we told to the teacher the names of our characters, most of us has a men drown on the paper.

That means that the society has created stereotypes of what should be a women and a men, and unconsciously we have it in our minds.

Image result for dibujos de profesiones

Also, we saw a video where different kids was doing the same experiment, and happened the same to us. So, they already have the stereotypes presents in their lives. This is a mistake and is our job trying to change this situation. We have to transmit our future pupils that they can became whatever they want, even they are girls or boys. All of us are equal. 

This is the video that we have seen in class: 

Finally, at the end of the class the teacher has explained the second project. That project consists in  rewriting a story in orden to make it more inclusive. 
